Tag Archives: Onions

Eggplant Caponata

Eggplant is one of my favorite foods so I’m always on the prowl for interesting recipes. Nightshade. It’s a ‘nightshade’ food – Solanaceae – considered deadly for people with aching

Winter Pot Roast

My brother Eric is my go-to guy for meat recipes. He’s amazing and always has an answer and a perfect recipe. He also gave me the Pork and Beans, Garlic and Greens, recipe

End of Season Anaheims (Call Me A Whimp)

My plants this summer were beautiful, bountiful. Chiles galore. Anaheims and jalapenos. We made Guacachile all summer long and put it on everything…


I love the Fall. I also love Winter, Spring and Summer. They all have good things. Fall has a beautiful quality to the light – and the air feels thinner and cooler even on a hot day.